NORTH EASTON--Rangers and staff at Borderland State Park will host a Winter Greens Hike, Saturday, Jan. 14 from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
Join DCR staff for a fun and frosty trek exploring the park's winter trees, shrubs, and groundcover--if they’re not covered by snow and so far it looks like it won't be.
Participants will hike through the forest, near wetlands, and along a field to learn about winter greens.
Weather and ground conditions will determine the route.
Meet at the Visitor Center for this hike.
The tour is geared for adults and children 8+.
Participants must dress for the weather and wear sturdy winter footwear.
Rain, snow, or icy trails will cancel.
Call 508-866-2580 x162 for more information and for weather cancellation.
Program is free.
There is a parking fee of $2.00 per car.
For park information and directions,visit http://www.mass.gov/dcr/parks/borderland/.
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