BROCKTON—Middleboro resident Lorna Brunelle, who is a 6-year survivor of cancer, had a little advice to give those who may be battling the deadly disease.
“Stay positive, ask for help, reach out to family and friends for support and take care of yourself,” Brunelle said. “Take naps. Don’t do the dishes. Don’t make the bed—I made my bed everyday of my life until I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Some things don’t have to be done right away,” she said. (Pictured above at right)
Brunelle, 40, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at 33. She has been cancer-free for six years and was the keynote speaker for Good Samaritan Medical Center’s cancer survivor celebration and dedication of its new healing garden held Thursday, June 16.

Brunelle gave an inspiring message and was surrounded by several young women who are her students in the Miss America Pageant program. She has self-published a book, “Dirty Bombshell: From Thyroid Cancer Back to Fabulous;” she is a staff member at Boston Casting Inc. and is owner of Burt Wood School of Performing Arts and Alley Theatre in Middleboro.
Dr. Rohini Sakhuja, chairman of the Cancer Care Committee, said during a nearly two-hour celebration, that the healing garden is a place for patients and their families to find peace and calm during what can be difficult treatments.

Sakhuja gave the numerous cancer survivors in the crowd a show of support.
“They have the nerve, the guts—the guts to overcome all the obstacles that come at them,” Sakhuja said.
The healing garden is also open to the public and the hospital’s employees, but it isn’t open to those smoking cigarettes.
“There’s no smoking in the healing garden,” Sakhuja noted.
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