BROCKTON--Brockton adolescents and teenagers will take part in numerous activities for Global Youth Service Day Saturday, April 16, including creating murals of organizations and agencies that support the city's youth and a Downtown 2K Walk that steps off from Legion Parkway at 9:30 a.m.
Activities begin at 9 a.m. at the Boys and Girls Club of Brockton, 233 Warren Ave., and Brockton Teen Center, 891 Montello St.
Students who don't feel they are artistic enough to join the Mayor's Youth Council mural project can take part in a host of other activites.
Volunteeer oppportunities include:
*collecting and organizing non-perishable food items for the Greater Boston Food Bank;
*collecting and sorting school supplies for Brockton's School on Wheels;
*making and sending get well cards for troops;
*making and sending academic enrichment sheets and friendship bracelets for Brockton youth in local hospitals;
*clean ups of the surrounding neighborhood;
*painting the walls of the Warren Avenue club;
*cleaning the inside and perimeter of the Warren Avenue Club and Teen Center.
Anyone interesting in joining the event should head to the Teen Center or Boys and Girls Club Saturday April 16.
Here is a schedule of events:
9:00-9:45 Sign-Up for Assignments
"Downtown 2K Walk4Kids”
9:00-9:30 "Downtown 2K Walk4Kids” Registration & Kickoff (location TBA)
9:30-11:00 Walk through Downtown Brockton
9:45-10:00 Boys & Girls Club Opening Ceremonies
10:00-12:30 Service Projects
12:45-2:00 Celebration Lunch @ Warren Avenue Club
Volunteers are asked to please bring at least one of the following items:
•one non-perishable food item
•new school supplies, specifically back packs, laminated folders, zipper pencil pouches, plastic pencil boxes and educational flash cards for School on Wheels
•new or gently used books for youth ages 11-15 to support the Club’s WalMart Foundation Bright Spot reading program
•"Drop cloths” for painting
•gloves if you’d like to work outside
•experienced painters WELCOMED!
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